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摘玫瑰 | Plucking The Rose

 摘玫瑰  冰花   只想 摘一朵玫瑰   尽管 你给了我   整个花园   这么多的花儿   哪一朵 最爱   哪一朵 应该摘   选也选不出   眼泪先流下来   落到裙边   一朵刺玫瑰   羞怯的花蕊上   是露珠   是眼泪  Plucking The Rose  By Bing Hua Translated By Xu Yingcai   I just want one rose   Although you've given me   A whole garden  Of so many flowers   Which is the most beloved   Or should I pick   Is indeed an impossible choice to make  So my tears roll down They fall to the side of my skirt on the shy stamen  Of a thorn-rose  Are they dewdrops Or tears 载自《诗殿堂》第四期

《诗殿堂》徐英才译 冰花《那扇门》

《诗殿堂》第三期 徐英才译冰花《那扇门》 那扇门 诗/冰花  译/徐英才 一直渴望的那扇门 多么希望能为我敞开 夜里昼外 渴望了半生 终于看见它开了 却不敢上前 只有默默地渴望 眼里噬着泪 那扇门又关上了 把半生不敢触摸的痛 也关在了里边 那扇门 是一生的重心 是三生的追寻 一直渴望的那扇门 能否再为我敞开 让我用余生 换一次真正的迈进 That Door By  Bing Hua Translation By Xu Yingcai The door I’ve longed for to open How I wish it can open for me From nighttime to daytime After half-a-life-long longing I’ve finally seen it open But I dare not to approach Only quietly hope With tears in my eyes That door is closed again Together with the pain That has hurt me for as long as half a life That door Forms the gravity of my whole life And the pursuit for three lives The door I have longed for to open Will it open for me again Let me trade the rest of my life With a chance to enter 冰花简介: 冰花,Bing Hua,现居美国马里兰州。其诗歌独特的风格被称为“冰花体”,多次在世界性诗歌比赛中获金奖。她著有诗集《这就是爱》(THIS IS LOVE),《溪水边的玫瑰》(ROSE BY THE STREAM)等。被誉为“情诗皇后”、“诗坛玫瑰”, 并接受过央视专访。 Bing Hua is now living in Maryland U.S.A. Her unique poems

红颜 A Life-long Intimate

红颜 冰花 诗 徐英才 译 你用冬天的冷峻 为我带来了夏日的湖光 满天的星星睡了 唯我独醒着 看你读你到天亮    你从天边走来 离我有一夜的遥远 你从彩云中走来 带着五彩的光环    你从网络里走来 撒下蓝天的情怀 你是一本厚厚的名著 让我爱不释卷    我 用一个女人柔弱的声音 向全世界告白   你是我今生最美丽的相遇 我愿做你今生的红颜 A Life-long Intimate By Bing Hua Translation By Xu Yingcai   With the cold astute of winter You’ve brought me a lake-ful reflections of summer The skyful stars are asleep While I’m the only one awake Watching and reading you till dawn break You come from the horizon of the sky That is as far as an overnight You come from amid the splendor of clouds With a halo shining with five colors You come from the internet Spreading the feelings of an azure sky You are a voluminous classic I find it hard to detach myself from you  I In a woman’s soft voice Declare to the whole world You are my life’s most beautiful encounter And I desire to be your life-long intimate 冰花,现居

双面扇 / A HAND FAN

双面扇 冰花 一面是春 一面是秋 你是那春 我是那秋 春与秋 一纸之隔 天涯之遥 春与秋 常有相同的温度 却永远不属于 相同的季节 A HAND FAN By Bing Hua Tr.William Marr(非马) One side is spring the other autumn you are the spring I the autumn the spring and the autumn on opposite sides of a paper or the distance between the corners of the world spring and autumn with temperatures alike yet never belong to the same season 摘自《诗殿堂》创刊号


不是轻浮 不是漂 冰花 河水溢出堤岸 柳枝摇点水面 不是轻浮 不是漂 海水拥抱沙滩 浪花抚摸石礁 不是轻浮 不是漂 IT'S NEITHER FRIVOLOUS NOR DRIFTY By Bing Hua Tr.William Marr(非马) 鲁斧 Water in the river swells over its banks Willow branches brush the water It's neither frivolous nor drifty Water in the ocean embraces the beaches Waves caress the reefs It's neither frivolous nor drifty 摘自《诗殿堂》创刊号

著名翻译家徐英才译冰花《小巷 ALLEY》摘自《诗殿堂》

小巷 诗/冰花 译/徐英才 五月或许六月 细雨柔风 吹进沉睡的小巷 梦一样的神话写满一墙 一位女子 倚窗 沐浴了午后的阳光 一双明眸在巷的另一头 七月般滚烫 五月或许六月 望到十月或许十一月的远方 小巷的墙上 多了一段美丽的诗行 ALLEY By Bing Hua  Translation by Xu Yingcai May or June Fine drizzle and soft breeze come into the slumbering alley Dreamland-like stories are written all over the wall A lady emerges at the window to bathe herself in the afternoon sunrays A pair of eyes appear at end of the alley bright and ardent as July Gazing from May or June to the distant October or November on that wall in that small alley is written another beautiful story 摘自《诗殿堂》第一期

一个女孩This Girl

著名翻译家徐英才译冰花《一个女孩》摘自《诗殿堂》创刊号 一个女孩 诗/冰花 翻译/徐英才 一个女孩 用玫瑰编织着花环 你如一米阳光 沐吻了这花环 你又离开了 留下了如梦如幻 一个女孩 为一米阳光 拒绝了彩虹的斑斓 一个女孩 想无奈 爱无言 为再见一米阳光 再一次跪在佛前 为寻梦编织着花环 This Girl By Bing Hua (Rose Lu)  Translation by Xu Yingcai This girl Weaves a garland with roses You, like fleeting sunlight bathe it with a shower of kisses and then move away leaving it a dream and illusions This girl in courting the fleeting sunlight Turns away from the splendor of rainbows This girl longing unfulfilled love unexpressed to see the sunlight again resumes her kneel before the Buddha And her garland weaving for her dream 译文转自《诗殿堂》创刊号 译者简介 徐英才,原上海复旦大学英浯教师,在复旦任职十多年,曾于1984年被派往加拿大麦克马斯特大学授课并研读加拿大文学。1990年代初赴美国德堡大学留学,研读英美文学,毕业后留校工作。目前教学课程包括"汉英英汉翻译实践与理论"、"中国书法实践与理论"、"中国电影史"、"中国当代文学"等。已出版的译著有《英译唐宋八大家散文精选》、《英译中国当代美文选》、《经典散文英译》等。 有所译著作,做为习主席向美国林肯中学赠送外教社版图书。