Bing Hua's biography

Bing Hua's biography
Bing Hua (冰花) is the pen name of Lihua Lu, who is also known as Rose Lu. She is a Chinese-American poet. She has been called “the queen of love poetry” and “a rose in the poetic world” and her poetic style called the “Bing Hua Style”. Her poems are so influential that they are considered “Bing Hua Phenomenon”. She is an accountant in Maryland, vice president of the Chinese Poetry Association, content director of Poetry Hall. She began writing poetry during the 1980s. Her publications include February’s Rose(2022, in English, translated by Xu Yingcai), Selected Poems of Bing Hua ( 2019/2020, a bilingual work in Chinese and English, translated by Xu Yingcai), This is Love (2013, in Chinese), and Roses by the Stream ( with a Chinese edition published in 2008 and a bilingual edition published in 2019, translated by Wang Dajian). She co-edited World Pandemic Poetry, in Chinese published in 2020 with Yingcai Xu, Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry , and Best Overseas Chinese Poetry(2021)with Yingcai Xu. She co-edited Penetrating Time and Space——A Poetry Group of William Marr in Chinese published in 2022 with Xiaohong. Her poems have been translated into English, German, Japanese and Korean etc. Two of her poems, “A Hand Fan” and “Neither out of Flighty or Levity” won the Belief in Love Golden Award in the 31st World Congress Poets Contest. “The Lotus Obsession” won the Butterfly Golden Award in the 1st World Chinese Language Love Poems Contest. In 2016 she was judged an excellent poet by the Poetry Network. Bing Hua won the China New Regression Poets award in 2017, and won the International Chinese Poetry Exchange Award in 2022.
February’s Rose By Bing Hua(2022, in English, translated by Xu Yingcai,
Selected Poems of Bing Hua ( 2019, a bilingual work in Chinese and English, translated by Xu Yingcai)
Selected Poems of Bing Hua ( 2020 edited, a bilingual work in Chinese and English, translated by Xu Yingcai)
Books: Her poetry: 1. February’s Rose (Finishing Line Press ,2021/2022) in English , translator by Yingcai Xu. 2. Selected Poems of Bing Hua, a bilingual work in Chinese and English published in 2019 and 2020,translator by Yingcai Xu. 3. Roses by the Stream with a Chinese edition published in 2008 and a bilingual edition published in 2019,translator by Wang Dajian. 4. This is Love, in Chinese published in 2013. 5. Roses by the Stream with a Chinese edition published in 2008. Co-edited poetry: 6. Penetrating Time and Space——A Poetry Group of William Marr,in Chinese published in 2022 (co-edited with Xiaohong). 7. Best Overseas Chinese Poetry,in Chinese published in 2021 (co-edited with Yingcai Xu). 8. Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry,in Chinese published in 2021 (co-edited with Yingcai Xu). 9. World Pandemic Poetry, in Chinese published in 2020 (co-edited with Yingcai Xu).
Roses by the Stream By Bing Hua, with a Chinese edition published in 2008,
Roses by the Stream By Bing Hua, with a Chinese edition published in 2008 and a bilingual edition published in 2019, translated by Wang Dajian),
This is Love By Bing Hua (2013, in Chinese),
World Pandemic Poetry, in Chinese published in 2020, Bing Hua co-edited with Yingcai Xu
Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry (2021),Bing Hua co-edited with Yingcai Xu,
Best Overseas Chinese Poetry(2021), Bing Hua co-edited with Yingcai Xu,
Penetrating Time and Space——A Poetry Group of William Marr in Chinese published in 2022, Bing Hua co-edited with Xiaohong,
References: February’s Rose (Finishing Line Press ,2021/2022) : Rose Lu, Rose Lu – Three Poems, The Price of a Word, A Poem by Rose Lu, The Hint Of June by Bing Hua Rose Lu, Rose Lu,


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