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February’s Rose Reviewed by Michael Escoubas: Like Emily Dickinson, Bing Hua's work is punctuated with wonder 迈克尔•埃斯库巴斯: 诗人冰花像狄金森一样,作品充满了奇迹

迈克尔•埃斯库巴斯: 诗人冰花像狄金森一样,作品充满了奇迹 February’s Rose Reviewed by Michael Escoubas: Like Emily Dickinson, Bing Hua's work is punctuated with wonder ——美国著名评论家迈克尔•埃斯库巴斯评冰花《二月玫瑰》/February’s Rose Reviewed by Michael Escoubas 文/ 迈克尔•埃斯库巴斯Michael Escoubas 备受敬爱的20世纪初著名小说家威拉•凯瑟 (1873-1947) 曾写道: “许多人似乎以为艺术是融入生活的一种奢侈品。艺术源于生活本身的组成。艺术必须源于丰富多彩的生活。” 虽然凯瑟是小说家,冰花是诗人,但我感觉他们作品有异曲同工之妙。两位都深知艺术的目的。两者都秉持生活和艺术不可分割的理念。两人都懂爱。两人都知道失望。两人都知道失去以及失而复得后变得更强大、更美好的喜悦。 徐英才极高水平出色翻译的《二月玫瑰》,以人为本描绘生活。诗人本能地捕捉到爱的讽刺。她以流畅、简洁的方式做到这一点。诗句结尾不用标点符号,让读者可以零距离接触诗人的思绪和灵魂。她显得真诚而平易近人。她的诗传递出自省、恐惧未来、和人性胜利的喜悦之间的张力。 《二月玫瑰》分七个部分,融合季节性主题与相应的内心季节变化。分别是:I.向日葵,II.二月玫瑰,III.那年夏天,IV. 荷的心事, V. 绝不投资爱情, VI.双面扇,和VII.月光围巾。各个章节标题都妙趣横生。 请看城市、自然和爱在《寂静的心声》一诗中如何交融: 繁忙的现代街道上 谁向心灵的春天奔跑 沐浴物欲的晨曦 躲过性欲的月光 孤独 是严冬的寒风 黑色的长发 风中飘零 划出道道伤痕 当寂静的心声 从远方传来 没有人听得见 那是溪水的流潺 那是高山的心颤 你不想错过诗人如何利用“寂静的声音”来创造一个难忘的爱情时刻。 爱是冰花诗里最重要的主题。她的诗几乎涵盖月月季季,彰显出外部自然世界与(通常是看不见的)人性深处之间的契合。 冰花的拟人化天才在《六月风情》中得到体现: 蓝天离我越来越近 踏着白云走进心...

Book Review: Selected Poems of Bing Hua , It has a lot of beautiful poems (Jesús Barrera Méndez in Mexico)

Jesús Barrera Méndez 5.0 out of 5 stars Beautiful poems and good quality of materials. Reviewed in Mexico on August 24, 2021 Verified Purchase If you are learning Chinese I'm sure you want to have this book at hand. It has a lot of beautiful poems and their English translation is so good (and helpful) that you would enjoy them even if you don't know, or are not interested in, the original language.

Bing Hua's biography

Bing Hua's biography Bing Hua (冰花) is the pen name of Lihua Lu, who is also known as Rose Lu. She is a Chinese-American poet. She has been called “the queen of love poetry” and “a rose in the poetic world” and her poetic style called the “Bing Hua Style”. Her poems are so influential that they are considered “Bing Hua Phenomenon”. She is an accountant in Maryland, vice president of the Chinese Poetry Association, content director of Poetry Hall. She began writing poetry during the 1980s. Her publications include February’s Rose(2022, in English, translated by Xu Yingcai), Selected Poems of Bing Hua ( 2019/2020, a bilingual work in Chinese and English, translated by Xu Yingcai), This is Love (2013, in Chinese), and Roses by the Stream ( with a Chinese edition published in 2008 and a bilingual edition published in 2019, translated by Wang Dajian). She co-edited World Pandemic Poetry, in Chinese published in 2020 with Yingcai Xu, Best Modern and Contemporary...